Tuesday 20 September 2011

Venues Rita Pavone has performed

Cine Rio on Avenida da Consolação gave way to Teatro Record that was opened in 17 January 1959. Rita Pavone was its main attraction in June 1964 and April-May 1965. 

TV Rio, Channel 13 - Rio de Janeiro - Avenida Atlântica, Posto 6 - Rita sang at the theatre of former Cassino Atlantico in 1964 & 1965.

Cine Rex, later Teatro Olimpiá in São Paulo. Rita performed here in 1970.

same theatre in 2012... São Paulo's downtown area has been gone to the rats...

The Opera, a ravishing Art-Deco temple on Calle Corrientes at the heart of Buenos Aires.

here's an Opera Art-Deco poster...