Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Covers of Pavone's hits

'Igual a ti não há ninguém', cover of 'Come te non c'è nessuno' in Portuguese. Album released by RCA Victor in Brazil in 1964.
Rosemary does it on the double: 'Cuore' (Coração) and 'Il ballo del mattone' (A dança dos brotos).
Regina Célia sings 'Na minha idade' (Alla mia età) for MagiSom - 1964
Blanquita Silvan from Argentina with 'En la cima de la montaña' (Sul cucuzzolo della montagna) probably from 1964.
Shirley was a pert girl from São Paulo who sang at TV shows in 1964 and 1965 covers 'Sul cucuzzolo'. Not much is known about her... not even a photo.

Miguel Nastari, a Brazilian singer of Italian ancestry who could sing well in Italian... He covers 'Ti ho conosciuto', based on Pavone's recording and not that of the songwriter Edoardo Vianello's 'Ti ho conosciuta'.
Conjunto Farroupilha, the label's owners recorded 'La partita di pallone' which translates as 'Porque aos domingos?' (Why on Sundays?).
Cidinha Santos actually charted well with 'Scrivi' which translates as 'Escreve-me'
Denise Barreto covered 'Alla mia età' (Na minha idade) in 1965, one year after Regina Célia's version.
Denise Barreto does it again; this time in 1966 with 'Supercalifragilistic-espiralidoso'.
Denise Barreto at Intervalo, Brazilian TV Guide.
'Os Velhinhos Transviados embalados' features 'Remember me'.
'Os Velhinhos Transviados em órbita' released in 1965, featured 'Viva la pappa col pomodoro'.
Argentine teenage singer Peggy Sol (any comparison with Buddy Holly's Peggy Sue is not mere coincidence) says she lost out to Eli Salvador in the competition to find the best Rita Pavone look-alike but she actually won in the end for she realized she had her own personality and ended up being more popular than Eli. 
Blanquita Silvan was not exactly a Rita Pavone look-alike but covered 'Sul cucuzzolo' for CBS.

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